V.V.S Sardar Patel High School


Smt. Vanishree Deshpande

Head Mistress 

Anitha A.

Assistant Head Mistress 

Dept. Sanskrit

📜 Asst. Master 


🎓 Vedantha Vidwath, M.A. (Sanskrit), B.Ed.

✨ 32 years of experience 
🧠 Sanskrit

🏆 Completed NISHTA-NEP Course, Development of eContent: Audio Resources- CIETNCERT, Vidwat in Advaitha Vedantha, Alankara Shasthra, Dharma Shastra,Rig Veda Scholar

📜 Asst. Master 

Dr. Ganapati V Shastri

🎓 Ph.D., Vidwat, M.A. (Sanskrit), B.Ed

✨ 31 years of experience 
🧠 Sanskrit

🏆 Member of Textbook committee, Member of Surasaraswathi textbook comitte

📜 Asst. Mistress 

Uma K.

🎓 M.A. (Sanskrit), M.Phil. (Sanskrit), B.Ed.(PhD)

✨ 19 years of experience 
🧠 Sanskrit

🏆 Completed NISHTA-NEP Course

Dept. English

📜 Asst. Mistress 

Smt. Pushpa S.

🎓 M.A.,B.Ed

✨ 33 years of experience 
🧠 English, Social Science

🏆 Completed NISHTA-NEP Course - 10 Modules, Written workbook on Social Sciencefor X Standard

📜 Asst. Mistress 

Vidya S. Shastry

🎓 M.Sc. (Psychology), B.Ed. (M.A. History)

✨ 21 years of experience 
🧠 English, Social Science

🏆 Completed NISHTA-NEP Course

📜 Asst. Mistress 

Smt. Vimala Kukillaya

🎓 B.Com. , B.Ed

✨ 17 years of experience 
🧠 English, Social Science

🏆 Management Representative for ISO Certification, Supervisory Examinor and Supervisory Invigilator for ICSE Board, Best Teacher Award by Rotary Club, Powai, Mumbai Green Educator by SAEVUS

Dept. Kannada

📜 Asst. H.M 

Anitha A.

🎓 M.A., B.Ed

✨ 31 years of experience 
🧠 Kannada

🏆 Completed NISHTA-NEP Course -10 Modules, worked as a resource person in bringing out teachers guide. Administratives responsibilities has been discharged as Incharge HM.

📜 Asst. Mistress 

Karuna Rao

🎓 M.A. (History), M.A. (Kannada), M.Ed. , M.Phil.

✨ 25 years of experience 
🧠 Kannada

🏆 Completed NISHTA-NEP Course

Dept. Mathematics

📜 Asst. Mistress 

Roopa Sudarshan

🎓 M.Sc. (Mathematics), B.Ed.

✨ 26 years of experience 
🧠 Mathematics, Physics

🏆 Completed NISHTA-NEP Course - 10 Modules, Development of eContent: Audio Resources- CIETNCERT, Participated in state level ‘Baking with Millets’

📜 Asst. Mistress 

Sudha H. Trivedi

🎓 M.Sc. (Physics), B.Ed. , M.L.I.S

✨ 21 years of experience 
🧠 Mathematics, Physics

🏆 Completed NISHTA-NEP Course, Development of eContent: Audio Resources- CIETNCERT, Safe Online Communication - CIETNCERT

📜 Asst. Mistress 

Renu B. R.

🎓 M.Sc. (Mathematics), B.Ed.

✨ 13 years of experience 
🧠 Mathematics, Physics

🏆 Completed NISHTA-NEP Course - 10 Modules, Development of eContent: Audio Resources- CIETNCERT

📜 Asst. Mistress 

Ambika P.

🎓 M.Sc. (Mathematics), B.Ed.

✨ 11 years of experience 
🧠 Physics, Mathematics

🏆 Completed NISHTA-NEP Course - 10 Modules, Development of eContent: Audio Resources- CIETNCERT, O Level Course

Dept. Science

📜 Asst. Mistress 

C.V. Padma

🎓 M.Sc. (Zoology) , B.Ed.

✨ 36 years of experience 
🧠 Chemistry, Biology

🏆 Completed NISHTA-NEP Course, Development of eContent: Audio Resources- CIETNCERT, Best Teacher award by Unaided School Teachers Association

📜 Asst. Mistress 

Bhagyashree S. Kulkarni

🎓 M.Sc. (Micro Biology), M.Phil. (Env. Micro Biology) , B.Ed.

✨ 15 years of experience 
🧠 Physics, Chemistry, Biology

🏆 Completed NISHTA-NEP Course - 10 Modules, Development of eContent: Audio Resources- CIETNCERT

📜 Asst. Mistress 

V. S. Veena

🎓 M.Sc. (Biochemistry), B.Ed.

✨ 9 years of experience 
🧠 Science, English

🏆 Certified Yoga instructor from S-VYASA University, Professional Yoga Member from Indian Yoga Association, Conducted Paper Quilling Art workshops in school and colleges.

Dept. Social Science

📜 Asst. Mistress 

Sangeeta Kumari

🎓 M.A. (History), B.Ed.

✨ 18 years of experience 
🧠 Social Science, English

🏆 Completed NISHTA-NEP Course, Development of eContent: Audio Resources- CIETNCERT

📜 Asst. Mistress 

Preethi B Shetty

🎓 M.A. (History),M.A. (English), B.Ed.

✨ 14 years of experience 
🧠 English, Social Science

🏆 Completed NISHTA-NEP Course, Development of eContent: Audio Resources- CIETNCERT, Specialisation in Epigraphy, Part of Anveshana program

Physical Education

📜 Asst. Master 

G.N. Manjunath Prasad

🎓 B.A, C.P.E.d

✨ 40 years of experience 
🧠 Physical Education

🏆 Best Teacher Awardee from Education Department, Karnataka

📜 Asst. Mistress 

Tejaswini B. C.

🎓 B.P.Ed

✨ 4 years of experience 
🧠 Physical Education

🏆 State representative from Ameture Kabbadi Federation of India(Junior and Sub Junior at National Level). NCC - A -Certificate


📜 Asst. Mistress 

Anuradha S.

🎓 B.A, M.L.I.Sc

✨ 13 years of experience 
🧠 Librarian

🏆 Completed NISHTA-NEP Course -10 Modules, Certification Course from CIET- NCERT, Digital Skills

Science Lab

📜 Asst. Mistress 

Vinutha Narasimhan

🎓 B.Sc, NTT

✨ 35 years of experience 
🧠 Science

🏆 Nishta Course - 8 Modules Completed, ICT training

Dept. Computer Science

📜 Asst. Mistress 

Vinutha H.R.

🎓 B.Sc. , B.Ed. , M.Sc.(IT) , Diploma in Computer Applications, Certificate in Computing (IGNOU)

✨ 29 years of experience 
🧠 Computer Science

🏆 NCERT Awardee, Master Trainer-Intel Teach to the Future,, ICT Trainer for Teachers,, Completed NISHTA-NEP Course -10 Modules, Certification Course from Infosys Springboard and CIET- NCERT.

📜 Asst. Mistress 


🎓 B.Sc., M.Sc.(IT) Cerificate in Computing(Reliance...

✨ 24 years of experience 
🧠 Computer Science

🏆 Conducted ICT training for teachers.Completed NISHTA-NEP Course 10 modules ,Certification Courses from Infosys Springboard and CIET- NCERT, Digital Skills.